Student Testimonials
Dear Students, I thank you all for putting your trust in me and my teaching methodology. Our awesome results wouldn’t have been possible without your support, dedication, participation, and amazing hard work.
And if any of you happen to visit this page, please take a moment to reflect on the life lessons you and I have shared, besides exploring Physics & Calculus.
If I may reiterate – life can be tough but our human brain & body + mind system has immense potential; you can overcome practically every life obstacle by staying calm, breathing deeply from the belly, extending your emotional field to envelope all those who love you; and allowing your inner intelligence to silently guide you through this maze of life, for which nobody has, or ever had, a roadmap!
Arvind Chauhan
I studied Physics from Chauhan Sir from April 2004 to April 2006. It was an invigorating 2-years, first in Zirakpur and then at Mani Majra, Chandigarh. I still remember in my first year I used to pester sir with questions from topics which had not yet been covered and he always patiently answered, even if it meant an hour and a half extra after the class. The diagrams he drew with his “long scale with handle” are still an object of admiration. And whatever the result might have been, he was an inspiration as a person – with a guiding central philosophy – from which he never ever budged an inch. He has all the ingredients of a perfect freshman physics teacher, because he shows you the physics at work – beyond the mathematical artwork. And his detours to spiritualism, and aerodynamics and automobiles were always welcome in the middle of a dull topic.
Teaching or learning physics is a different matter, being passionate about it is another. Einstein could never be Einstein, or Newton ‘Newton’, if they did not LOVE WHAT THEY DO. And that’s what sir does, he does what he loves. And when love and skill combine, expect a masterpiece.
MIT, PhD STANFORD | Gold Medal, International Physics Olympiad
I studied from Sir during April 2004 to April 2006. I can remember my first three classes with Chauhan Sir. It was supposed to be a trial session for the admission test. I surely admit that I was unsure that Sir would continue to teach (in the regular class) in such an elaborate way – attractive diagrams – discussions – such a beautiful introduction to limits – taking huge amount of time to cover each and every aspect of a problem – taking elegant theory building problems …And when the regular classes started, my ‘unsurity’ became a truth (to my surprise) – the teaching became even more beautiful and interesting!! His ability to put himself in the shoes of the student is ‘what is the best in him’. Sir even taught us some things beyond the JEE which elevated our confidence. Thank you sir for all that you have given to me.
After coming to know that I got fifth rank in IIT JEE, I felt elated. But my success would not have been possible without the proper coaching, guidance and inspiration from my tutors and moral support from my parents. I am especially thankful to Chauhan Sir, who is a master of his subject. Physics is the most difficult subject for IIT JEE, but the systematic approach by Chauhan Sir made it so easy for me. He has absolutely clear concepts. Sir would solve the difficult physics problems of the students on the spot itself, even if he didn’t have any pen or paper in hand! I am grateful to Sir and owe my success to him.
My academic experience with Sir was fabulous. The best thing about his teaching is that he makes Physics so enjoyable and interesting to learn. Students generally consider Physics as the most difficult subject, but with his methodical way of teaching, he makes it very simple. He concentrates on basics first and then solves the problems centering around them. He has clear and sound explanation for every doubt asked in the class. Regarding problem solving, instead of solving typical problems only, he teaches how to approach new variants of the problem too. He was able to solve all the problems that we asked him. Sir is a great counselor too. His fundas regarding meditation and Yoga were of great help to me during tense days before IIT‑JEE exam. I consider him instrumental in bringing me to IIT.
I studied from Sir for two years (2003 – 2005) and got AIR 11 in JEE 2005. Each class with Sir seems now to me like a gradual transformation from an ordinary student who did not even dream of getting into IIT, to an extremely confident and successful IITian. It is just redundant to describe here Sir’s teaching style, because there is no aspect in which he lacks, and anyone who has studied from him, will easily claim that no one can even dream to compete with him.
The most wonderful thing about Sir is the excellent combination of intelligence and hardworking nature in him. I will wonder all my life how Sir can manage to do so much more than any other teacher in those two years – the most elaborate study that I have ever done, and the most fruitful too. I would add here that the only loss I supposedly incurred due to studying from Chauhan Sir is that he raised my expectations from a teacher too high, and no one else can even come near to meeting those. I consider Chauhan Sir as a gift to me from God, who made me experience what ‘real knowledge’ is.
My academic experience with Sir totally changed my life. The most important thing I liked was the way he solves the problems ‑ the way he used basics and crystal clear concepts as a structure to reach the target. No cramming, just fundas. I adapted myself to such methodology and afterwards, I really felt the difference in the way I started to look at things. He teaches as a friend to friend and not as a professor to student, always making the students feel comfortable in his presence. He played a major role in my success.
My academic experience with Chauhan Sir was extremely wonderful. He is a great teacher with extremely clear fundamentals and a wonderful teaching style. I don’t remember any question he was unable to solve and any doubt that he was unable to clear. And the great amazing thing was that he did the toughest of these on the spot and in a very less time. He is one of the very few teachers I have seen, who has the knowledge of all depths of the subject ‑ every funda is damn clear. Not only that, he us a great counselor. He has been a great help for my planning of how to study, stress control during the examinations, increasing concentration, etc. His talks on Yoga and meditation really helped ‑ which I try to practice even today. I think he has a great role to play for placing me where I am. Especially, I give him lot of credit for my getting selected to represent India in the 31st International Physics Olympiad and for bagging a bronze medal for the country.
Physics was the only subject for which I took coaching and I am glad I did! I studied physics for two years from Chauhan Sir. Sir is one person I look forward to. He is an excellent teacher. Moreover, his supporting approach is appreciable. On all counts, he definitely is ‘numero uno’!
Chauhan sir helped me greatly to clinch the fundas of Physics and improve my level drastically, even though I joined him late. Sir knows it all. His fundas are crystal clear and he interacts with his students in a very informal way. I have enjoyed my studies with him.
I learnt a lot in those two years of my interaction with Sir. That was really a golden interaction since apart from Physics, I also learnt some Truths of life. His way of teaching or explaining concepts is really ultimate. In Physics, there is a lot of theory and numerical examples. The way Sir managed both was excellent. He never tried to spoon feed us ‑ rather he always urged us to think independently and deeply. After studying with him, my aim is not restricted to IIT studies only but also to think logically and clearly in life.
As far as his teaching style is concerned, there is no comparison at all with other coaching teachers. Even many IIT professors can’t compete with his style of teaching and explaining.
I studied from Chauhan Sir in 2000-2001, completed my engineering and am currently doing my PhD in neurobiomechanics at University of Maryland, College Park. He has served an inspiration for me throughout these years – both for my academic and my spiritual pursuits. Since the past couple of months, I’ve been serving as an Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate biomechanics course here and realized the challenges of teaching. I still refer to some of his notes (yes, i have them till date) to explain some intricate concepts to my students, and just hope that I could acquire a fraction of the pedagogical [and metaphysical?] milestones he has achieved. His philosophy has always been engrossed in my mind, and helps me pursue my dream to study the human mind (I’m a mechanical Engineering major otherwise). Thanks a lot sir!
SOHIT KAROL | Graduate Student (at the time of writing this), Cognitive Motor Neuroscience Lab, Department of Kinesiology, University of Maryland, USA
I studied from Chauhan Sir during 2003-2004. I was at PI Scholastics, Zirakpur in my class XII. Learning physics from him was a great honour. The concepts which he taught were just great, which not only helped me in getting into IIT but also in my IIT courses, especially the dynamics course, which is nightmare of mechanical engineering department, became so easy for me. I feel that he teaches from his heart, putting all the efforts, not like others who just make students to mug all kind of questions.
I did engineering from PEC, but never left my physics books. Thanks to the strong concepts that you somehow put into each one of your students, I could read through the post-grad level books in physics. Today I am working on gamma-ray bursts and trying to use them as standard candles to estimate the age of the universe. Sir, I want to thank you – it was under your guidance that I felt for the first time the joy of understanding. It was, and still is, an amazing feeling to know that those little problems, those pulleys and those lenses hold true in your classroom as they do in the Horsehead nebula!
And congrats for the great results all these years!
SARVNIPUN | Research Student, USA
I studied Physics from Chauhan Sir from 2001 to 2003. I think the way in which Sir showed us how to approach a specific situation was just so wonderful. I was never amongst the toppers in his class but that was always a starting point for me, at times I would find it difficult to grasp at one go, but later on I would realize why Sir was using this specific method and it was really fun. I started loving Physics and solving the questions became more of enjoyment than burden. One thing that I still find missing in some Professors at IIT here is that they try to force things upon you, rather than convincing you as to why the particular thing is occurring. But, never ever in my two years I saw this thing happen in Chauhan Sir’s class, even once. Howsoever basic or trivial a point might be, Sir would convince the person concerned and only then proceed. He would give genuine scientific fact to support his arguments rather than asking us to just accept things as they were. I think this is the biggest asset Sir has – that is “convincing the brightest of students”. I still remember those huge doubt sessions that we used to have after class, we would come up with alternate solutions and then we along with Sir would contemplate upon the possibilities. It really was a beautiful time of our lives! Sir is well known to take a detour into other topics (not related to Physics) which at times seemed useless to us. But now I feel it was really nice to have someone make us look at life in a nutshell. For example the first time I met him, he asked as to why was I crazy about IIT? He taught us to question ourselves which I feel was very much necessary to open our minds and start thinking ourselves.
At the first attempt when I was not able to clear JEE, he gave me his support for taking a drop instead of taking Electronics in Thapar by saying, “If I feel I have it in me, I don’t need to bother about what others say and just believe in myself.” Ultimately it paid off and now I’m having the best of times doing what I had yearned for – Research. Thank you Sir. I can never forget you going out of the way to help me out.
I studied from Chauhan Sir during: 2003-04. Chauhan Sir… my extremely good luck to be his disciple. It’s not just his Physics which is great, it’s his exceptionally intelligent mind that fits perfectly into the aspiring students’ mind, it’s his exceptional vision and approach towards life. When you study Physics from him, its not only the high standard teaching you get, above that you gain the art of learning which fills your brain with the art of thinking, understanding and knowing not just Physics but life in general. I don’t know why but even his voice strikes me; his handwriting and there’s something uncommon in his face too. I’ve spent an year with him and have had some very major modifications (I should say improvements) in my own character. He is Great!!
GAURAV CHACHRA | Punjab University, CHANDIGARH | University of California, Berkeley
I have learnt physics, calculus and so many aspects of life & metaphysics from Chauhan Sir, during my 11th and 12th school years.
He is by far the most influential person in my life. Anything I say about him would be inaccurate. The fact is – he is beyond words. I can only say what my mind in its limited capacity could understand. I cherish every moment spent with him. For those fortunate students & individuals who are around him, I hope you take the opportunity to absorb his presence with a silent mind.
RAMAN GUJRAL | Mathematics & Statistics, UCLA, USA
and many more…
e-Classroom Student Testimonials
I joined Arvind Chauhan sir’s Physics classes about mid session in class XI. Physics has seemed much more interesting & easier since then. Sir’s slow & patient method of teaching ensures that one can easily understand Physics and apply the concept to solving problems. His wonderfully drawn 3D diagrams really helped me visualize situations better and before I knew it I had developed the habit of drawing a diagram while solving problems. Sir’s little detours to explaining the working of a common device/gadget were always welcome during a relatively dull topic. What’s most impressive is that I never actually felt that he was teaching us from the other side of the globe, thanks to the wonderful technology he had set up. Sir’s logically thorough way of teaching & thinking helped me not only in physics but also in other subjects and other spheres of life. I am surely indebted to Arvind Chauhan sir for all he has taught me.
I studied Physics from Arvind sir from 2013-2015. My academic experience with him was extremely wonderful. His exceptional teaching skills, along with the modern technology he used, helped me understand Physics properly. The way he used to build each concept right from the basics to the IIT level (and sometime even beyond that) is really commendable. His passion for Physics was reflected in each class and also by the fact that he used to stay even an hour after the class, whether it was for teaching an advanced topic or for clearing our doubts. What I personally liked about him was that he encouraged us to study not only for IIT preparation but for the sole joy of learning. I am grateful to him for all he has taught me. Thank you sir.
Arvind Sir has created a different space for himself in the field of Physics teaching. His way of teaching is uniquely fabulous and interesting. He teaches everything from the basics; that is why I have no doubt about my concepts in Physics. The way he uses calculus in problems is just so interesting that the problems start appearing quite simple. I have gained so much through his teaching that Physics has now become one of my favourite subjects. Teaching crystal clear basics and then solving IIT problems are some of his key teaching points. I feel he is the best Physics teacher, as far as my opinion is concerned. So, I want to present my gratitude towards him from the core of my heart.
The venture of Physics teaching (teaching live through video conferencing) by Arvind sir, as far as XI and XII teaching is concerned, marks the beginning of a new era. Despite not being physically present in the class itself, Arvind sir has benefitted me so much, that I find Physics more simple, beautiful and logical than ever. This method of teaching using modern technology, among other things, is way ahead of traditional teaching methods in terms of conceptuality. There is no questioning Arvind sir’s teaching skills, but when coupled with the modern technology he uses, there is no matching the interactive nature of the class. There was hardly any day when we did realise that he is not actually in the classroom, but several hundreds or thousands of kilometres from us. I am quite indebted to Arvind sir for what he taught me in the whole subject.
Arvind sir is among those very few people who can teach Physics to students. Sir’s ability to make the subject easy and interesting is very impressive. Atmosphere in class is such that no student feels left out as everyone gets a chance to keep his or her point of view in front of the class. Sir never rushes with syllabus; in fact, he makes sure that students get every concept clearly set in their minds. His short doubt classes, after the main class, helps in making your concepts crystal clear. My Physics has improved a lot in Sir’s class. I want to thank Sir for all his immense knowledge he has provided to me which will help me throughout my life.
Physics is a subject that requires crystal clear concepts in which Arvind Sir has the mastery. By studying Physics with Arvind sir, I have developed a lot of interest in this subject. Online teaching (teaching live through video conferencing) is a new venture and very less known, but there is nothing to worry as the cutting hi-tech technology curbs the distance. Super-sensitive microphones, HD quality audio and video make us feel as if Arvind sir is present right in front of us. The informal discussions with sir help us to understand the subject in a better way and an extra doubt session after every class is very helpful. I sincerely thank Arvind sir for arousing tremendous interest for Physics in me and inculcating his immense knowledge among his students effectively. Undoubtedly, he is the best Physics teacher I have studied from.
I had a great time studying Physics from Arvind Sir. He is a great teacher. His methods of teaching and that of approaching a problem brings out much simplified version of the topics in front of the students; and the anxiety and fear that is felt while doing a problem is greatly reduced. Moreover, the assignments and the tests are of a great help in building the hold over the subject. Also, he not only discusses all the time about the subject but also tells the students about the various ways of increasing concentration and these methods when applied are of a great help. According to me, he is the best teacher for studying no only Physics but rather any subject, because anything he teaches is taught very properly and perfectly.
Arvind Sir is one of those few teachers who believe in teaching the subject properly. The combination of his knowledge, experience, intelligence and hard work are perfect combination for success. He starts each topic from the very basics and reaches to the depth of the topic. His class is really very interactive and fun, and doubts are cleared properly. I am very thankful to him for clearing my concepts in Physics. He is undoubtedly the best teacher in the region. Thank you Sir for your efforts.
I express my gratitude to ARVIND SIR for boosting my concepts in physics through thorough analysis of every topic. Despite Sir being physically not present in the classroom, it was more effective and better than any other. The best is thing is sir’s huge emphasis on calculus associated with the question that made problem solving easier. Apart from the subject Sir has imparted spiritual and moral knowledge too. I am thankful to SIR for teaching me the REAL PHYSICS.
I express my deepest gratitude to Arvind sir for boosting my concepts in Physics. After completion of my +1 course, I was not satisfied with the methodology of teachers in Chandigarh. But I was ecstatic to learn that Arvind sir, who had produced the best ranks in IIT-JEE from Chandigarh region, will once again teach the IIT aspirants. From the day I joined him, I found Physics much more interesting and enjoyable. The new method of hybrid classroom (teaching live through videoconferencing) started by him might not seem appealing at first thought BUT never did I feel un my entire course of +2 that sir’s physical absence from the classroom affects the quality of teaching. While teaching, sir always makes sure that every student in his classroom understands each and everything taught by him. The excellent books suggested by him, the study material provided by him, study tips and health tips imparted by sir have helped me in improving my performance in Physics. Sir answers all our doubts and queries in doubt sessions after every class. Sir’s complete mastery over his subject and his knowledge of science makes him a rare genius!
In class XI after exhaustive search for Arvind Chauhan sir’s Physics academy, I was disappointed to know he is no more in Chandigarh; but I was ecstatic in XII to know that he is once again teaching in Chandigarh. Arvind Chauhan sir has a unique methodology of teaching which is marvelous; he gradually builds the concept logically from absolute basics and ensures that there is no ambiguity in every word he speaks. When asked any doubt he ensures that the student fully understands it. The class notes are excellent and help a great deal during revision. Contrary to what many may conceive, his use of technology makes him rather more accessible; besides during and after the class, he can also be contacted through email, twitter, etc. The quality of study material itself explains the tremendous hard work sir must have put in to prepare it. His frequent much needed career counselling is very helpful. The best of all is the beauty with which he teaches Physics and its essence, and connects it with everyday life explaining the Physics behind everyday stuff. It all makes the subject come alive.
Arvind sir marks a benchmark in the field of teaching. The ways of teaching, the methodology, and the problem solving techniques are just phenomenal. Arvind sir develops a personal connection with every student in his class, understanding the level of every students and their weakness/strength. Any student who is serious in studies and has studied from Arvind sir is bound to get a good rank in JEE. It has been a privilege studying Physics from the best teacher in the region. Thank you!
Physics is a subject which cannot be understood without a perfect teacher. For me, undoubtedly, Arvind sir has been the perfect teacher. His way of teaching in the class never makes us think that we have to just learn the topic but instead it makes us think that we have to just understand it, and the learning is done automatically. While sitting in his class, we never want the class to be finished because of the fun we enjoy while understanding topics from him.
This new venture is just not simply a coaching class but a hope for many who literally want to understand each and every topic by exploring it like the many great ones in the past did!
Physics is the subject which forms the foundation of engineering and teaching this touch subject is not an easy task. But Arvind sir has surely excelled in teaching Physics and building up crystal clear concepts in the brains of students. His methods of teaching, explaining and answering queries are just wonderful. Online teaching (live through videoconferencing) is a new way of teaching and technology used is really beneficial in teaching. We never felt that Arvind sir was not present in room but was miles away. Arvind sir has really got a calibre which no other teacher possesses and I have improved a lot after studying from Arvind sir. I’ll be indebted to him for all the knowledge he shared with me. He truly is an awesome teacher. Thank you sir!
I express my loyal gratitude to Arvind sir who has not only encouraged me at every step but has also aroused a great interest for technology in me. Earlier, I was doubtful about the success of online teaching (teaching live through videoconferencing), but it has proved to me much more satisfactory than expected. One can’t even notice that Sir is not actually present but sitting many thousand miles away from us – all because of those supersensitive microphones and the informal interaction between Sir and his students during the class, as well as after the class during the doubt session. Physics is a subject in which one needs crystal clear concepts for which Arvind sir is the best. My Physics has improved tremendously under Sir. I have never come across a better Physics teacher than Arvind sir. I thank God for sending him at the right time for us!
I thank Chauhan sir from the bottom of my heart for changing the way of thinking about Physics. The deep discussion about any topic of Physics has enabled me to think out-of-the-box and in a way has improved the quality of my physics. Chauhan sir’s doubt sessions give us an advantage of clearing our doubts after the class itself. My Physics has improved a lot and apart from that my confidence level has also risen.
I studied Physics from Sir for 1 year (2012-2013 session). He is one of the very few teaches in Chandigarh who knows how to prepare a student for JEE (IIT Joint Entrance Exam). His following remarkable features make him a great teacher: right approach to questions; great (and correct) use of calculus in Physics; great use of scale for diagrams and his e-hybrid technology; crystal clear concepts and fundamentals. He gave me the right path and guidance to study Physics so that I could enjoy the subject. Also, his study tips and useful links played a very important role in strengthening my concepts of all 3 subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Thank you sir for teaching me what real knowledge is…
… and many more!